Friday, January 30, 2009

Supreme Court: Voting W/ Whom? & Breaking Ranks When?--Focus on Scalia & Thomas [For now, The Graphs]

Just check out the graphs for now. The text will come shortly. (I don't suffer any delusion that all the readers of this blog bother beyond the graphs anyway.) But since the 4 graphs are finished, I thought I might as well put them out there .

Court watchers, and anyone else who cares about what the Justices are doing, should find these graphs interesting--and maybe even enlightening.

As usual, the graphs say a lot.

GRAPH 1: Justices Scalia & Thomas
Voting Alignments (%)
(click to enlarge)

GRAPH 2: Justices Scalia & Thomas
Voting Alignments (%) in Descending Order
(click to enlarge)

GRAPH 3: Justice Scalia
Voting Alignments/Non-Alignments (#) in Descending Order
(click to enlarge)

GRAPH 4: Justice Thomas
Voting Alignments/Non-Alignments (#) in Descending Order
(click to enlarge)