Friday, February 10, 2017

The 9th Circuit's Ruling Against Trump: An Outline

9th Circuit Judges
Canby, Clifton, Friedland
The decision in one sentence:
The Trump administration failed to show that the country was in grave danger unless the Executive Order was allowed to go into effect immediately.

A step by step outline of the 9th Circuit Decision:
  • What does President Trump's executive order do? It suspends for 90 days the entry of non-citizens from seven countries; suspends for 120 days the United States Refugee Admissions Program; and suspends indefinitely the entry of all Syrian refugees.
  • Do the states (Washington and Minnesota) have a right to challenge the executive order? YES. The states have "standing" because non-citizens who live and work in those states will be seriously harmed by the executive order, and so will educational, business, and other institutions in those states that rely on those non-citizens.
  • Does the President have the power to issue such an executive order? YES. On matters of immigration and national security, the President has wide-ranging authority, and the judicial branch should almost always defer to presidential judgments in these matters.
  •  But is the President's executive order entirely immune from judicial review? NO. To quote from the decision, the "fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy" provides for a judicial check on the other branches of government to insure that they do not violate the Constitution, and executive orders such as this one are no exception.
    District Judge Robart
  • What did the trial judge do in this case? The trial judge, Federal District Court Judge James Robart (appointed by President George W. Bush) issued a temporary restraining order (TRO)--i.e., a temporary suspension of the enforcement of the executive order--until there is a full hearing to determine whether the executive order is constitutional.
  • What specifically had to be decided when the Trump administration appealed from that TRO? The Federal Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit had to decide whether to overturn that temporary restraining order (TRO), not whether the executive order is ultimately constitutional or unconstitutional.
  • What determines whether the TRO should be overturned on appeal as sought by the Trump administration? That depends on the answer to 2 questions: 1) whether the Trump administration can show that it will probably win after a full hearing on the constitutional merits of the executive order, and 2) whether it can show that the country is in grave danger because of the TRO (i.e., if the executive order is not in effect).
  • What did the 9th Circuit decide on those 2 questions? The 9th Circuit held that 1) the Trump administration failed to demonstrate that it would probably win the case on the constitutional merits (i.e., the court found that the states' due process and non-establishment of religion claims are substantial), and 2) the Trump administration failed to demonstrate that the TRO placed the country in grave danger of a terrorist attack.
  • What precisely was the 9th Circuit's order? In a unanimous 29 page per curiam (for the court) opinion, a 3-Judge panel of the 9th Circuit denied the Trump administration's "emergency motion" to undo the TRO.
  • Who were the 9th Circuit Judges who unanimously decided this appeal? The 3 judges who decided this appeal are: William Canby (appointed by President Carter), Richard Clifton (by George W. Bush), and Michelle Friedland (by Obama).
  • What happens next? There are several possibilities. The Trump administration could ask the entire 9th Circuit (en banc) to hear this appeal; the administration could ask the Supreme Court for an emergency ruling to overturn the TRO [That would go to Justice Kennedy who would almost certainly ask the entire Supreme Court to make that decision.]; or the administration could simply return to the district court judge who originally issued the TRO for a full-blown hearing on the constitutional validity of the executive order.
Well, hope that helps.

[What I did not mention originally is a possible option outside the scope of these legal proceedings. That, of course, is for the Trump administration to simply go back to the drawing board and more carefully craft a new executive order which doesn't raise as many legal questions as the current one. VMB 2/11/17]

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Court of Appeals Nominee Rowan Wilson: Open Questions

The confirmation hearing for Governor Andrew Cuomo's latest pick for the Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, February 6, 2017. The Committee's Chair, Senator John J. Bonacic, has been conscientious, fair, well-prepared, and non-partisan in presiding over the hearings for Cuomo's previous 6 nominations.
[A far cry from the circus of partisanship and inanities that have characterized the confirmation hearings at the U.S. Senate for Supreme Court nominees.]

Nevertheless, given the mere one hour set aside for the Wilson hearing, it would seem extremely difficult for the Committee to get any real insight into the kind of Judge that Rowan Wilson might be. At the very least--the very very least--it would be good to know what his views are about the judicial role, especially that of a judge on a state's high court and, specifically, on the New York Court of Appeals. Indeed, to know how much thought he has given to that.

There are different views on those matters. In fact, conflicting views. And those different, conflicting views result in very different, conflicting modes of decision-making and, in turn, different, conflicting decisions.

Beyond that, some of the views often espoused about the judicial role, and often declared by judicial nominees, be kind...pure nonsense. Most notably, for example, that judges don't or shouldn't make law. Whether we call it law or rule or policy or precedent or some other name, the unquestionable, irrefutable truth is that judges, especially on high courts such as the U.S. Supreme Court and the NY Court of Appeals, make law.

They necessarily do so because the very cases they decide present unresolved issues of law, conflicting laws, competing "interpretations" of the law, legitimate legal arguments on both sides, etc. The judges must choose between the possibilities and, in doing so, they set precedent--i.e., a law (or rule or policy or whatever the palatable name)--that henceforth governs all the cases that follow and the actions of the other branches.

The great judges in our history all recognized and acknowledged that judges necessarily make law. Cardozo didn't even think it a question! As he once put it: "I am not concerned to inquire whether judges ought to be allowed to brew such a compound at all. I take judge-made law as one of the existing realities of life." Holmes, Frankfurter, and other greats of American law were also explicit on that point.
[Contrast that with--I'm trying to be kind--the pure nonsense we recently heard from President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court: "It is the role of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people’s representatives."
There would, of course, be no landmarks in American law if the great justices of the past adhered to that view. Every single landmark that Americans cherish did exactly the opposite of what Trump's nominee espoused.]

But to focus specifically on the nominee for New York's high court, we must do so realizing that there seems little in Rowan Wilson's public background that provides a good sense of his views about the judicial role or, even more specifically, of his view of the role of the Court of Appeals. At least 2 basic questions come to mind. The first is about judicial philosophy or, at its most elemental, how should a judge make decisions? The second is about the Court of Appeals. In particular, how should a judge on New York's high court decide cases in light of the Court's position in our federal system of government, and as the final arbiter of the state's law?

Rowan Wilson has no previous judicial experience. That is not in itself any problem. (See The No Judicial Experience Bugaboo.) But it does mean that he has no judicial track record. In fact, he has no record as a government official. So, unless he reveals as much at the confirmation hearing--volunteering it or responding to inquiries--we will not know much about Rowan Wilson that is really essential to knowing what kind of a Judge he may be.

Does Rowan Wilson believe in "originalism?"
Does he believe that constitutional provisions and statutes should be limited to their specific meaning at the time of their enactment--and only that?
So, "equal protection" was originally intended to protect the newly freed Black slaves. It was NOT intended to protect women, let alone gays or non-marital children or anyone else, and it should be applied in accordance with that original intention. [Yes, that is what originalists like Justice Scalia believed.]
Moreover, as for Blacks, it was NOT intended to prohibit racial segregation. Separate but equal was fine.
Also, free speech would not include "sedition" [as in the Alien and Sedition Laws] or blasphemy or casual vulgarity.
And as for "cruel and unusual" punishments, the 8th Amendment was only intended to forbid burning at the stake, dismemberment, and the like. But gratuitously painful punishments were not themselves prohibited.
Or does he believe in a "living Constitution" and laws?
Does he believe that specific original intentions should give way to more contemporary views about the same concepts?
Hence, "equal protection" should be extended to prohibit discrimination based on gender and birth and sexual orientation, etc?
"Equal protection" should also be construed to prohibit racial segregation?
And "cruel and unusual" should be construed to prohibit all punishments considered barbaric in today's civilized society--not just crucifixion, etc?

Does Rowan Wilson believe in "textualism" or "strict construction?"
Does he believe that constitutional provisions and statutes mean only what is explicit?
So, there is no right to privacy, or right to choose, or right to know your rights before being interrogated, or right to have a lawyer if you can't afford one when you're being prosecuted? None of those are explicit.
Likewise, there is no right to get married or be intimate with your spouse or even kiss your spouse, or right to be a parent, or right to raise your children or even play with them, or right to have a friend, or right to join a group with friends, etc., etc., etc. Not explicit.
And, because the 14th Amendment (which is the provision that guarantees "due process" against state violation) does not mention free speech, or religious freedom, or search and seizure, or right to counsel, or any other right in the Bill of Rights, does that mean that those rights should not be protected against state governments?
So too, because the Constitution protects free "speech," does that mean that only actual speaking is protected, but not any other forms of peaceful expression?
Or does he believe that it is the underlying principles that should be protected?
Does he believe that the overarching principles and purposes of constitutional and statutory provisions should be given effect?
Hence, fundamental rights--those that are implicit in the concept of "ordered liberty" [to use Cardozo's eternal phrase] and the essential ingredients of being free--are protected by the Constitution's guarantee of "liberty," whether or not such rights are specifically mentioned.
That, of course, would also include the most intimate and private choices in one's personal and familial life, which are nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.
Similarly, rights such as free speech are to be construed to include more than just talking, the right to counsel more than being able to have a lawyer but only if you can afford one, a fair trial to include (the unmentioned) proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and "cruel and unusual" to also include punishments that are grossly excessive.

Does Rowan Wilson believe that the judiciary should defer to the other branches?
Does he believe that the courts should approve whatever the executive and legislative branches do, except when clearly unconstitutional?
So if there is a legitimate question about the validity of legislation or of executive action, the courts should approve what the other branches have done; they should not interfere unless the other branches did something that is unquestionably invalid.
Accordingly, judicial interpretation and application of the law should mirror what the other branches have done, unless their actions are entirely irreconcilable with constitutional and other legal requirements.
Or does he believe that the judiciary should give constitutional rights and other commands their fullest possible effect?
Does he believe that the judiciary's interpretation and application of constitutional rights should be independent of what the other branches believe or have done? Independent of what the other branches prefer or what is popular?
So that constitutional rights and commands are vigorously enforced.
So that intrusions on constitutional rights and commands are only tolerated when justified by the most compelling government and societal needs.

These are among the most important questions for a nominee to a high court. At the very least, they are questions that a judicial nominee ought to have thought about. And they are questions that go to the very heart of a judge's role--answers to which those who confirm a nominee ought to be satisfied.

Then there is the nominee's view and understanding of the role of a state's high court and, specifically, of the Court of Appeals itself. Additionally, the nominee's knowledge of the historic landmarks of the Court, and of the body of case law that constitutes the Court of Appeals' jurisprudence. Briefly, for example:

How familiar is Rowan Wilson with the Court's landmark decisions and the jurisprudence that they underscore?
Is he familiar with the Court's precedents in areas as fundamental as free speech and press, right to counsel and search and seizure, due process and personal privacy, and so many others?
That these precedents are separate, independent, and different from those of the Supreme Court?
That these precedents form the foundation of much of Court of Appeals--and therefore New York--jurisprudence?
That these landmarks are a large part of the reason that the Court of Appeals has historically been one of the nation's finest and most influential courts?

How familiar is Rowan Wilson with the Court's tradition of independent state decision-making? What are his views about it?
Is he familiar with the Court of Appeals' tradition of protecting constitutional rights and liberties independent of U.S. Supreme Court decisions?
That the Court's historic protection of constitutional rights and liberties, separate from and beyond Supreme Court precedents, has proceeded under the Court's view of its responsibility to independently construe the state's law?
That when confronted with arguments based on Supreme Court precedents, many of the Court's greatest Judges were explicit in stressing the Court of Appeals' duty of independent adjudication.
As Chief Judge Lehman put it over 70 years ago, when the Court disregarded Supreme Court precedent to the contrary:
Parenthetically we may point out that in determining the scope and effect of the guarantees of fundamental rights of the individual in the Constitution of the State of New York, this court is bound to exercise its independent judgment and is not bound by a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States limiting the scope of similar guarantees in the Constitution of the United States. (People v. Barber, 1943)
Lehman's successors--including Chief Judges Fuld, Breitel, Cooke, Kaye, and Lippman--all echoed the same.
Is Rowan Wilson familiar with that traditional concept of the Court of Appeals' independent duty?
Is he aware that this "judicial federalism" is recognized and practiced by most of the nation's finest state high courts and, in fact, repeatedly affirmed by the Supreme Court itself as a basic attribute of our federal system of government?
Is he aware that the Court of Appeals has historically been a national leader in independent decision-making?

All of these foregoing matters are crucial to the work of a judge on a high court--whether the supreme court of a state or of the United States. And more specifically, they are crucial to the work of a Judge on New York's Court of Appeals.

I wish we had Rowan Wilson's answers to these questions and had some sense of his views on the judicial role, on judicial decision-making, and on the role of the Court of Appeals. I do wish him well and, if I had to guess, I think he will do very well on the high court.
Based on his education, experience and achievements, he certainly seems to be more than capable of being a very fine Judge. But without some answers to the questions I've raised, it's really anybody's guess what kind of Judge he'll be.